
ID: 86158
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詳細 Turn Your Busy Mind Off & Fall Asleep 2.5X Faster! Over 500,000 former insomniacs now sleep peacefully with Dodow – are you next? Dodow is a metronome-light scientifically designed to block out overactive thought patterns and lull you into a deep peaceful sleep – fast. Combining yoga, meditation, and behavioral therapy, Dodow is the safe way for ANYONE to effortlessly fall asleep…AND stay asleep. Using Dodow is so effective, customers report… “falling asleep before the 8-minute mode ends” and after a few months “not needing Dodow to fall asleep anymore”. The Mesmerizing Light Quiets Your Busy Mind – Focusing on the hypnotic light prevents you from focusing on random stressful thoughts that keep you awake. Free of these anxious thoughts, your mind quickly quiets down, turns off, and is now in a perfect state to ‘pass out’. Guided Breathing Lulls Your Quiet Mind To Sleep – The rhythmic light slows your breathing rate down to 6bpm and reduces your rate of exhalation. This controlled breathing lulls your already quiet mind into a deep, restful sleep. Restores Your Mind’s Natural Ability To Fall Asleep – With regular use, Dodow retrains your brain to naturally fall asleep on its own again. In fact, many customers are thrilled to report that they “now fall asleep without using Dodow”.



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