
ID: 81043
Lycamobile IE
レポート返却期間 3小时~5小时
最新の効果的なデータ 90天
承認期間 1.00日後に広告をクリックすることで所有するコミッションを承認する。
じょうけん U_idの長さ 200 スマートリンク 支持される
返戻金 支持される るいじょう 非対応

[b][u]PPC[/u][/b] [b]Policy Definition[/b][b]Yes[/b][b]No[/b][b]Additional Information[/b][b]If publishers promote you via PPC, will they be entitled to full commission?[/b]  NO If publishers directly link to your website from search engines, will they receive full commission?  NO If publishers use your brand name in their display URL, will they receive full commission?  NO If publishers use your brand name in their paid search title and description, will they receive full commission?  NO If publishers add your brand name into their negative keyword list, will they receive full commission?  NO If publishers display their ads when your brand name or variations of your brand name are entered as search keywords, will they receive full commission? (e.g. vodafone, voda fone)  NO If publishers display their ads when misspellings of your brand name are entered as search keywords will they receive full commission? (e.g. vodofone)  NO If publishers display their ads when your brand name and ano

モバイル 非対応
広告主リンクカテゴリ 通常リンク
詳細 Join the affiliate program of Lycamobile - the world’s largest MVNO, operating in 23 countries including the UK, USA, and large parts of Europe. Benefits include 5EUR commission on all new Bundle + SIM orders acquired through your site or platform




日付 アナウンスメントタイプ タイトル